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The Flu Jab

Every year certain individuals are advised to have the flu shot. I know it contains thimerosal and aluminium, which I feel are partly to blame for my son's autism (and most likely my mother-in-law's Alzheimer's) so I refuse to allow anyone in my family to have it.

According to reputable sources, a study has indicated people who have the flu vaccine four years in a row are ten times more likely to get Alzheimer's than those who don't.

Dementia and Alzheimer's are on the increase and with people living longer it is estimated rates will triple by the year 2050. That's worrying and a recent survey revealed people are more concerned about losing their mind than they are of getting Cancer.

However, whilst I am not here to tell you not to have the jab there are other sensible precautions you can take to prevent yourself getting the flu as I was informed in a recent e-mail.

For instance, you can


You can take the doctor's approach. When you go for a flu shot, they clean your arm with alcohol first. Why? Because alcohol kills germs.

Bearing that in mind, why not –

The way I see it, if you keep your alcohol levels up, Flu germs have no chance!

What's that saying? – " a shot in the glass is better than one in the a…".

Live Well - Laugh Often - Love Much